Monday, August 25, 2008

Ephraim and Daddy

Pulling Up

Ephraim started pulling up today! He really enjoys standing and playing, but has only been able to do this if we stood him up. He will even take some steps when he is standing and holding onto something. This morning, I went in to get him from a nap and he was standing up leaning over the end of his crib. Later in the afternoon, he crawled over to his train table, held on, and stood up! Following another nap this afternoon I went in to get him and found him standing on the bumper bouncing up and down. I think he was trying to jump out. Today was his first time pulling up and he did it three times and we were barely home today. I know we are in trouble now!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Music Man

Mommy's little music man.

I swear he was playing that thing with the stick before I got the camera out.


Ephraim's new found freedom has gotten him into some interesting places lately. While I was getting dressed, I turned around and saw that he had crawled under the bed. Only his little legs were sticking out. Last week he tried to crawl up the floor lamp and ended up just sitting on the base. I'm so glad we returned those flimsy ones and got nice ones with heavy bases! He really enjoys pulling stuff out of the bottom drawer of Daddy's dresser. He crawled under the love seat and pulled the tag off of it. I guess it is time to start keeping the pantry door shut because this is what Ephraim did while I was emptying the dishwasher.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Second Tooth

Ephraim's second tooth popped through on Sunday, August 3rd. I thought he drooled a lot before but now it is like a faucet is constantly turned on and running out of his mouth. It is my karma for hating bibs so much and never wanting to put them on him. The second tooth is the other bottom middle tooth.

Mommy's Birthday

Things have been so busy. I am extremely behind on postings. Hopefully, I will be able to catch everyone up this week. On my birthday last Wednesday, we went to lunch at Mackie's and bowling with my mom's group We went to Tequila's that evening. Ephraim had fun eating his first pizza at lunch and Mexican at dinner. He hung out in his stroller and watched us bowl and played with Laikyn in her stroller. Here he is in a sombrero at Tequila's with Grandma.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Daddy's Little Cardinals Fan

Daddy says Ephraim is a Cardinals fan! Here are a few pictures to prove it.

Monday, August 4, 2008

On The Move

It's official, Ephraim cannot be contained! Ephraim has been scooting for quite some time now. He has the army crawl down. If you put him on his stomach he crawls away. If you put him on his back he rolls over and crawls away. But, if he is sitting on the floor he is stuck. He would play until he was bored then scream till I came to get him and move him. Yesterday that ended. Ephraim began moving himself from a sitting to a crawling position! He is into everything already. His favorite thing to get into is Zeus' basket. He pulls it out onto the rug, puts his toys in it, and climbs in. Poor Zeus just sits on the rug staring at him with a very pitiful look on her face. Needless to say, we got a few baby proofing products at the store this weekend.