Monday, August 4, 2008

On The Move

It's official, Ephraim cannot be contained! Ephraim has been scooting for quite some time now. He has the army crawl down. If you put him on his stomach he crawls away. If you put him on his back he rolls over and crawls away. But, if he is sitting on the floor he is stuck. He would play until he was bored then scream till I came to get him and move him. Yesterday that ended. Ephraim began moving himself from a sitting to a crawling position! He is into everything already. His favorite thing to get into is Zeus' basket. He pulls it out onto the rug, puts his toys in it, and climbs in. Poor Zeus just sits on the rug staring at him with a very pitiful look on her face. Needless to say, we got a few baby proofing products at the store this weekend.

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