A Quick Catch Up
Ephraim was born December 20, 2007. He was twelve days early. Luckily, we had most things ready for him. Jason had to install the car seat while we were still in the hospital before we could take Ephraim home. Pretty much everything else was ready for him though.
The first two weeks went quickly with the holidays and Jason being home with us everyday. Before we knew it, Ephraim was two months old. At eight weeks and two days, Ephraim went on his first big trip. We drove to Rochester, MN to see his Uncle Joseph wrestle at Nationals. This was a difficult trip for Ephraim. He did NOT like being in his car seat for the long ride. We stopped often and got him out but this did not make things much better. It took us so long to get there, because of all our stops.
Ephraim's third and fourth months went by quickly too. He attended his friend Grant's birthday party. He got four Easter baskets for his first Easter. He loved the mall Easter Bunny and smiled pretty on his lap. He started sitting up for a few minutes unassisted during his fourth month. He was also rolling over both directions. He started some solid foods around four months and loved them from the beginning.
During Ephraim's fifth month, he went to Aunt Chris's high school graduation and party. He went swimming for the first time at Grandma and Grandpa Smith's house. He LOVED it. He had fun kicking, splashing, and dipping his face into the water. Also, he made his first trip to Michigan. This drive went more smoothly because we traveled at night. Everyone was very happy to meet Ephraim. He took his first trip to the beach where he loved the sand and thought the tide was hilarious. Ephraim began scooting around on the floor during this month as well as sitting for long periods unassisted. He began laughing more during this month as well. He has always been a vocal baby and some of his sounds have started mimicking words during this month. His favorite is uhuh. He always adds this at the perfect time too. "Ephraim do you want to go to bed?" mommy says. "Uhuh," Ephraim Says. He also says "mama" "mmmmom" sometimes.
So far during Ephraim's sixth month he has been to Aunt Abby's baby shower and Aunt Megan's LPN graduation and party. He meet his new baby cousin Emma, born July 2nd and enjoyed his first Independence day. He loved the family time and fireworks. He was mesmerized by the lights and noise. He smiled and giggled quite a bit. He is sitting up so well. He hardly ever falls over. He is trying very hard to crawl and I don't think it is very far off. He gets up on his knees and puts his hands down and digs his face into the floor pushing forward. This is very amusing.
I guess that catches us up for now. Ephraim is a very active and curious baby. He loves his toys, Zeus, and hanging out with daddy. I am very excited to see his developments in the remainder of the second half of his first year!
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