Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ephraim and Laikyn

Laikyn is my best friend, Dana's, daughter. Laikyn was born two months and eleven days before Ephraim. They are so cute together. When they were younger they would just smile and try to grab each other. Now that they are older, they play together. Ephraim takes Laikyn's pacifier and puts it in his mouth. Laikyn takes Ephraim's sippy cup and drinks it. Ephraim tries to take Laikyn's snacks, but she protects those. Laikyn can't stand to hear Ephraim cry. If he even whimpers, she busts out crying. It is the sweetest thing. He, on the other hand, could care less if she cries. Nice, huh. I can't wait till they are running around playing together. Ephraim, Laikyn, and Laikyn's big brother, Grant, had fun swimming together on Wednesday.


Lisa, Justin and Jayden said...

Oh my gosh! The pictures of the two babes on the raft are just too cute! They really look like they enjoy eachother! How sweet.

Anonymous said...

So Cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, That last post was from me!!! Just seeing if I could finally post!! haha Kindy